So I’m assuming at this point that you DO want to change your name. It’s not legally required, or necessary and its not just an option for the Bride. Grooms, you can take your partners last name if you want…
The decision to change your name is up to the individuals and there are lots of valid reasons as to why couples choose not to do it. Just a simple “I Don’t Want To” is fine too.
But lets say that you have discussed it and agreed that one of you will be changing your last name. What do you have to do?
Step 1: Get a copy of your Marriage Certificate
[Note: This is NOT the certificate you are given as part of your wedding ceremony]
A Marriage Certificate from BDM has all the details of your marriage but in the top right hand corner indicates your registration number. This shows all the relevant people, companies etc that your marriage has been legally registered within Australia. You can download the application form here
Step 2: The RTA
It is a great place to start. Get your drivers license transferred into your new name. You have to do this in person and its a good idea to have practised your signature before heading over.
Step 3: The Rest
Yes, A long line of companies and contacts that you need to get in touch with. It can be frustrating and mean a LOT of time in queues but once you start the process… keep going!
A quick word on passports, you have 12 months to change into your new name for free [without paying a renewal] but you do keep the same expiry date. So if you’ve got less than 2 years til you need a new passport it might be worth paying for a new one and getting it into your new name rather than having to resubmit photos and paperwork in another two years time.
Tips & Tricks
- Change everything -don’t leave some things in your maiden name and change some over. Even your phone bill can be used as a form of identification and having documents that don’t match up can cause dramas later on
- Don’t rush. There is no hurry to change your name. If you are undecided or unbothered leave it a while.
- Ring around. Find out what companies need before rocking up to change your name. Some may do it over the phone; some may require certified copies of your certificate; some might need you in person.
- Check your post – if you’ve forgotten to change your name your mail can be a helpful reminder of what you still need to do
- Don’t forget the Electoral role and Tax Office. Not all [or many] government agencies are connected. Changing one doesn’t mean you’ve got them all.
Life gets really complicated here. Hyphenating your name is a bit of mine field and the information you get can sometimes differ depending on who you talk to.
Make sure you speak with someone personally at Births, Deaths and Marriage so they can explain how this works.