

When your guests list starts to rival the credits for Ben Hur Beware! You’re in danger of falling victim to some classic wedding etiquette furfies.

Abby and Rob

What can we say…. Our favourite person who had ANYTHING to do with our wedding…

Erin and Jay

You spoke like you we’re part of our family and friends it was real and heartfelt ..

Emma and Greg

Kez captured “Us” perfectly for our ceremony….

From Maiden to Mrs

The decision to change your name is up to the individuals and there are lots of valid reasons as to why couples choose not to do it. Just a simple “I Don’t Want To” is fine too.
But lets say that you have discussed it and agreed that one of you will be changing your last name. What do you have to do?

Rebecca and Deen

She guided us through without taking over and made our day super special!..

Sylvia and Steven

You have been so helpful and professional, yet so loving and dedicated….