how to be an awesome wedding planning couple during covid-19

So we’ve all had to adjust our lives to protect our loved ones, and the lives of others, at this time. And for the most part, we’ve done ok, apart from a few ***kheads hoarding toilet paper and refusing to give up going to the beach. If anything, 2020 has proven we can do amazing things.

But there are moments coming in the future that are going to test you, specifically when it comes to wedding planning.

There’s appears to be three thoughts at the moment – which one do you fit into?

1, Couples that are holding their fingers, toes and any part crossed and holding onto their wedding date in the hope that by the time it rolls around all this lock down will be over and they will be able to have the wedding they planned.

2. Couples that have postponed their wedding so far into the future that all of this SHOULD be over.

2. Couples that are engaged but aren’t are booking for 2021, 2022 to be safe.

And neither is right or wrong, they are just trying to make the best decision for themselves with the information that they currently have. But, lets say that by October some form of social restrictions are in place. What then? What happens to all these couples who either a) have to go ahead with only the legally required 5 ppl or b) have to try and fight for a new date sometime in 2021 with all the other couples who are planning the same thing?

And where does this leave celebrants? One of the few services (like Photographers) where it’s the person, their talents that you are hiring.

So here’s some suggestions as to how you can keep the celebrant that you love.

  1. Talk to your celebrant before coming at them at with a definite date. Drop them an email “Hey here’s the date we were thinking of.. are you free?”
  2. If you MUST have a particular date, then be flexible with your ceremony time. Again this requires talking with your celebrant. If they have a booking on that day, then is there another time that they could do your ceremony… would they be willing to talk with their other couple about being flexible too? Amazing things can happen when we all work together.
  3. If they absolutely, cannot possibly be there for your wedding. Would they be willing to work with another celebrant? I mean you hired them for a reason, could they write the ceremony for you and then hand it over for someone to deliver on the day? The ensures a) your original celebrant some of the income they would have got from your ceremony, b) you get an awesome ceremony by your original celebrant c) you still get married on the day you need to and d) a celebrant that might need income is also getting part
  4. Could they find someone to hand over to? If nothing else, they will find someone they think will do you a good job.

I’ve talked more about point 3 on my Facebook page here. I love this idea as its a way of talking a trick situation and turning it on it’s head so that everyone wins in a way.

What are your plans? How are you treating the current COVID-19 situation when it comes to wedding planning? Let me know in the comments.

Kez is a Newcastle Marriage Celebrant. She has performed over 700 weddings across Australia but also can officiate baby namings, elopements, registry weddings and funerals. Kez is known to be loud and nerdy.