Damn you Adriana Zumbo! I didn’t know what I was missing out on until I attended the recent Chocolate Festival at Hunter Valley Gardens.
After I had tasted that sweet sweet gooey crunch I was hooked. I had eaten my first Macaron and I wanted more… which led me to the marvellous discovery on the shelves of Woolworths. Adriana Zumbo Salted Caramel Packet Mix. YES! It IS as good as it sounds!
Ok I thought, I will bite and I will conquer the MACARON! After all, how are can it actually be.
Turns out, it can be quite tricky [as the photo shows]
Macarons are incredibly sensitive, your utensils need to be spotless, the ingredients need to be measured perfectly and you had better have an even temperature oven.
So what does this have to do with weddings? Well a lot actually. We put so much effort into perfection, we have to have everything “just so” when really, just like my Macarons, there can be perfection in imperfection. Things not going to plan or not working exactly in the way you imagined can provide delightful surprises and keep your fresh, enthusiastic and excited about your big day.
My macarons were hardly perfect but damn, did they taste amazing!