This is not the most important day of your life

…but it could be the most fun.

I know it’s hard to believe right now, in the middle of all your planning for your special day, that is ONE day is not actually going to be the biggest or most important of your life.
But I’m going to tell you some hard, true facts – that in the end might actually help you have a more amazing time on your wedding day.

If you are putting all your energy into having a “perfect” day you are wasting your time, and most certainly not going to enjoy yourself.

I’ve seen it happen. Couples fretting over flower arrangements that aren’t perfectly centered or a random strand of hair bringing girls to tears because it just won’t do as its told (or sprayed!)

In truth, as celebrant who as performed over 600 ceremonies, I can speak with some authority. The most fun, most enjoyable and most “perfect” weddings are the ones that are focused on having a good time ,a great day and getting married.

The couples that see the wedding as a moment to celebrate but not THE END ALL MOMENT.

So here are my tops tips as to how to make your wedding day less stressful, more awesome.

  1. Accept that you are not a God and you cannot control the weather. Rain Happens. Plan for it and be happy to use that plan B if you need to
  2. You almost certainly will not be able to time everything so you are walking down the aisle to that particular lyric in the particular part of the song you want, so don’t try. Be happy music is playing and be focused on the person who is waiting for you at the end of that aisle. Even if music isn’t playing – you are still just about to get married.
  3. Only one person in the audience will care/notice if the people wearing suits in the bridal party don’t have their buttons done the same way.
  4. You DO You. Seriously. In all your planning if your main focus is staying true to yourselves as a couple, and not what you saw on instagram your ceremony/ day will totally rock. (Sidebar: ***k everyone elses opinions, choices, comments !)

Finally, Love overcomes any mishaps. If the two of your are saying beautiful words and looking at each other like there is nothing else that matters in the world – no one will give a rats ass what you’re wearing, how your hair looks, the venue, the flowers, the music, even the celebrant (!!!) Love has this amazing ability to take you and all your guests on an emotional rollercoaster of a ride.

Be in love, be happy to get married and your day will be perfect, I promise you!


Kez is a Newcastle Marriage Celebrant. She has performed over 700 weddings across Australia but also can officiate baby namings, elopements, registry weddings and funerals. Kez is known to be loud and nerdy.